He said, she said: what’s worse – packing or unpacking?
*The most exciting thing about He Said, She Said is wondering if we’ll still be married by the end of each post! We both…
*The most exciting thing about He Said, She Said is wondering if we’ll still be married by the end of each post! We both…
It’s quite funny talking to other men about skin care. You both edge into the conversation, testing the water wondering if the other guy’s…
*The most exciting thing about He Said, She Said is wondering if we’ll still be married by the end of each post! We both…
There are always rules. Never trust a thin chef, always trust a barber with bad hair, only ever eat white snow… for Valentine’s Day,…
I’m really quite good at tying my shoe laces. I can do it almost without thinking. I can also cross the road safely and…
Ever get that feeling he’s really not happy while you peruse the aisles? Wonder what’s going through his mind as he slumps into one…
Have you ever swum with crocodiles? Have you ever lit a firework and held it in your hand? Are you partial to leaping from…
It’s taken me years to wean Mrs Romance off Valentine’s Day. I know it doesn’t sound very romantic, but I really don’t enjoy being…
*The most exciting thing about He Said, She Said is wondering if we’ll still be married by the end of each post! We both…
*The most exciting thing about He Said, She Said is wondering if we’ll still be married by the end of each post! We both…