What to wear to ProBlogger – for guys

Men, we are under pressure. At this year’s ProBlogger event we will be the minority. We know this as we fearlessly march into each workshop, presentation or lounge session. Every room will be full of immaculately presented women – all of whom will have spent hours and hours preparing their wardrobe for this weekend.

What to wear to problogger conference 2

But why should we feel underdressed and overwhelmed? Short answer: we shouldn’t. Here are my tips for keeping up with the Jonesettes – and looking fabulous too, darling!

Here’s what you pack:

A nice pair of jeans – this means at least a little fitted. Ones that are baggy, ripped, washed out, acid wash, or too short in the ankle are OUT. And definitely no stains, gentlemen!

What to wear to problogger conference 3

Pants – I’ll be bringing a couple of pairs of tailored suit pants from Witchery Man. They’re really comfy and look better than jeans.

Shoes – brown with jeans, please. Running shoes won’t cut it here and I don’t care how comfortable they are. In fact most sneakers are a no-no. I can’t wear Cons no matter how popular they are. My feet turn into something off a Pingu show. A pair of Tigers might just about cut it… maybe.

No T-shirts! I don’t care if it’s an Acca-Dacca original from their Black Ice World Tour in Wilkes-Barre – don’t do it. A polo is as low and you can go. A shirt’s got to be good too, right?

While on the subject of shirts, for a more relaxed look, don’t be afraid of a little colour or patterning. This doesn’t mean you get to wear that Harlequin outfit you wore to last year’s Halloween party, but feel free to express yourself with a bit of the bold.

The golden rule

Bring a blazer jacket. I’m not talking one of those ones with the giant gold anchor crest buttons your dad used to wear (was it royal blue? Was it navy? I could never tell). I mean a light grey or dark navy. Single-breasted and two buttons. You might even want to go for a more colourful one. That’s fine too. But bring a jacket.

It’s the easiest way to move from conference to going-out mode for the Friday night do.

What to wear to problogger conference 1

Alternatively, break all these rules and go for jeans (but still nice ones though – and still brown shoes etc) and a plain T – I like v-neck ones. But here’s the clincher: you must have that blazer jacket.

The jacket turns all the individual things you’re wearing into ‘an outfit’.

Other things to remember: bring deodorant or one of those mini samples of cologne, mints (not gum) and moisturiser. Don’t like moisturiser? Fine. Bring sun screen.

Remember, you’re representing your blog – your brand. If you look scruffy, your site looks scruffy. If you look like you stink, your blog stinks too. You want people to know your blog is cool, stylish and modern. Don’t you?

I apologise if this all sounds a bit harsh. I don’t mean to. At ProBlogger you’re encouraged to be yourself and express yourself however you want – as much through your clothes as through your writing. My point is this event is the one time a year you get to meet others from your industry.

Don’t you want to make a good impression?

Images from Zara and Pinterest


  • Reply September 9, 2013

    Shayne Tilley

    Looking forward failing on many of those!

    … but I might get a haircut… maybe 🙂

    • Reply September 9, 2013

      Mr Romance

      Ha ha! I’m sure you’ll look just fine, Shayne!

    • Reply September 10, 2013

      Laney | Crash Test Mummy


  • Reply September 10, 2013

    Steph @ Lipstick & Cake

    Pressure’s on now Mr R, if there’s even so much as a hair out of place…. Oh wait… oops!
    Just kidding! I look forward to seeing your very suave attire this weekend.

    • Reply September 10, 2013

      Mr Romance

      Heh heh! Nice one, Steph! But you don’t need to worry. I’ll be wearing my best shell suit, white socks and flip flops! You’ll be hanging out to hang out with me! 😉

  • […] a sidenote, I think I was probably a little heavy-handed in last year’s What to Wear to ProBlogger post. I’d apologise, but I’m still sticking to my guns on a lot of […]

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