My goodness, what a week it’s been! It’s taken us a surprisingly long time to recover from our trip to South Australia. The wine there’s just too good to say no to… as is the Adelaidean hospitality!
Not that we’re complaining, of course. Everything we ate and drank in Adelaide was delicious and we’d encourage you to pay the City of Churches a visit if you haven’t been already.
We recovered just in time to get started on our plans for some very exciting last-minute travel that’s come up.
Yes, we might’ve eaten and drunk to excess on our trip to Adelaide, but now we’re not there, we can’t help think about all the delicious things we had. These char-siu pork sliders from The Pot Food & Wine’s amazing tasting menu were absolutely incredible.
Watch this space for more info on this cracking eatery. Can’t wait to share more photos and stories with you.
This evening, Mrs Romance is having dinner with Steph from the lovely They’re at The Gantry in Pier One at Walsh Bay here in Sydney to see what’s on offer on their new menu. Head Chef Chris Irving has created dishes celebrating local growers and suppliers.
This winter salad looks fresh and wholesome, but there’s a lot more up for grabs beside salads. Together with Chef Irving’s creations, The Gantry has collaborated with Black Star Pastry and and Swinging Bridge Winery from Orange, NSW.
It’s a guaranteed feast at The Gantry.
Today, Mrs Romance is out and about in her official capacity as Hair Romance. She’s in la Biosthetique’s concept salon, Bauhaus Hair in Waterloo trying out a new hair treatment especially for curly hair.
Val is a curly hair expert. The products she’s teaching Mrs Romance to use are going to give her the most amazing curls. If you have curls and want some great tips for keeping them looking amazing, keep an eye out over on Mrs R will be sharing what’s she’s learnt soon.
One cafe we do like to visit on a regular basis is the Paramount Coffee Project in Surry Hills. Their coffee is good, their staff and awesome and their food is exceptional.
Today, Mrs Romance and I had a deal of trouble to decide what to eat from the Paramount’s menu. In then end we’ve decided to pick 2 of the things we like the look of the most and share them. Ordinarily I don’t deal well with sharing food, but this time I’m willing to make an exception.
This is the Cuban Torta – a soft bun with smoked chicken, pulled hock, dill pickle, jack cheese and garlic ranch sauce. We’ve also ordered the slow-roast pork with cheddar cheese and an incredible reduced marrow dipping sauce. It’s not as photogenic as the torta, but much tastier.
We’re so excited about what’s just happened! In under a week, we’ll be right here.
This is Cable Beach in one of Western Australia’s most northern coastal towns and a place Mrs Romance and I have wanted to go to for years and years.
Even better than that, we’re heading to this paradise in order to catch a ship. It’s a ship owned by National Geographic, which travels around the world to beautiful, remote destinations. One of these voyages goes from Broome over the top of north-western Australia to Darwin in the Northern Territory. The wild north-west!
We can’t wait to share all of the amazing sights we’re expecting with you. We fly out on Saturday and fly next Tuesday. Quite a journey – especially as we’ve only had since last Thursday to prepare!
Today, Mrs Romance and I have decided to make the most of the afternoon and have taken a trip to Bondi. We haven’t been to the beach in what feels like forever. It’s so good to be back.
The sea pool at Bondi Icebergs is always a special subject for photos. It’s even better when the sun’s out and there’s a good swell.
Another flashback to our time in Adelaide comes just in time for the weekend. One of our favourite places to spend an evening in Adelaide is here in the Flying Trunk. It’s a cracking little bar in Goodwood south of the city.
This place has an amazing vibe, interesting decor, excellent cocktails and spirits – and let’s not forget the lovely staff.
The Flying Trunk also runs cocktail making classes every week. You have to book as there’s only space for 5 or 6, but it’s well worth it. Education + fun x alcohol = the perfect evening!
Here’s our full write-up on the Flying Trunk, Adelaide.
This morning guess where we are? That’s right, we’re back in the Paramount Coffee Project. This time we’re catching up with our dear friends Glen and Barbs, and their adorable little girl.
Instead of the Cuban Torta, which has in fact been taken off the menu for now, I’ve ordered the BKE roll. Bacon, crispy kale and scrambled egg. It’s fantastic but not that pretty. Instead, here’s Mrs Romance’s smashed avocado on toast with feta cheese and a fried egg. I know, my stomach just gurgled too!
We are seriously excited about going to Broome in Western Australia. It doesn’t seem real. To think we’ll be right here in under a week. Then on Tuesday we set sail. Pretty much beside ourselves. It’s going to be a trip of a lifetime.
All credit to Y-Travel Blog for this beautiful shot via their Instagram account.
What was your week and weekend like? What was your highlight? Any amazing meals? A new place for a drink? Tell us in the comments!
Beth at
Had hot wine at new French bar, La Bouvette, here in Adelaide on Friday night – amazing!
Mrs Romance
Another reason to come back to Adelaide…and soon! x
Sonia from Sonia Styling
Well we pretty much had the total opposite of the previous weekend… and ended up in the emergency department. Safe to say all eucalyptus oil has been banned from our house!
Mr Romance
Holy shitballs, Sonia. Poor old Turbo – can’t believe he did that. Poor bugger. Glad he’s ok now though. Never realised how bad eucalyptus oil is for you. Hope this weekend makes up for it. Miss you guys.