30 Cocktails in 30 Days – Day 20: the Caprioska

Mr and Mrs Romance - Day 20 - Caprioska Cocktail Recipe

Day 20 of our 30 Cocktails in 30 Days: the Caprioska

This one’s certainly one for our Mojito lovers out there. The Caprioska is very similar. However, it’s an adaptation of the Brazilian drink the Caipirinha (pronounced ‘kai-pirin-ya’), which uses cachaca (‘ka-sha-sa’) instead of vodka.

Cachaca is a spirit derived from sugar cane. It’s hard to find in the UK and Australia, and if you can find it, it’s usually quite expensive. It’s much smoother than vodka and obviously much sweeter. It is made from sugar cane after all!

Anyway, the Caprioska is a delicious drink. It’s refreshing, sweet and alcohol excellence!

How to make a Caprioska

Mr and Mrs Romance - Day 20 - Caprioska Cocktail Recipe

Here’s what you need:

For each drink

  • Double measure of vodka
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tablespoon of caster sugar
  • Splash of soda water
  • Ice
  • Old fashioned glass
  • Wedge of lime to garnish
  • Cocktail shaker, jigger measure, muddler

Here’s what you do:

  1. Cut lime into segments and put them in the shaker.
  2. Put the sugar in the shaker too.
  3. Muddle the limes in the shaker.
  4. Add the ice.
  5. Pour the vodka over the ice.
  6. Shake everything to mix the drink thoroughly.
  7. Pour everything into the glass, including the lime pieces and ice.
  8. Add a dash of soda water to top the drink.
  9. Garnish the glass with a segment of lime.

If you do happen to have some cachaca and you want to make a caipirinha, just use it instead of vodka.

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Images by Mrs Romance.

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