We ask our lovely friend Carly from Smaggle.com what does romance mean to her. Get ready for some enlightening, funny and insightful answers to this tricky question by the lady who helps you be the star of your own life!
We knew we were onto a winner when we asked Carly for her perspective on romance. Her views on life are what I would call singular. She’s outspoken, firm in her beliefs and most importantly almost as mad as she is lovely.
Her site Smaggle is a commentary on life and finding out new ways to master it. Carly also spins a yarn (sorry) over on Crochet Coach, where she shares her Yoda-like knowledge of this incredibly popular handicraft.
As for romance, Carly and her most excellent fella Mr Smaggle have been together for a large portion of their lives now, which means they know each other very well.
Here’s what Carly has to say on what romance means to her.
What does romance mean to you? Carly Jacobs – Smaggle.com
1. What’s something romantic that someone has done for you?
Mr Smaggle charges all my electronics every night. There’s nothing more romantic to me than knowing he’s thinking about me. Like he’ll know how sad I’ll be if my headphones run out of power when I’m at the library, so he plugs in all my stuff after I’ve gone to bed.
He also makes me cups of tea every day and will often come home from the shops with a little gadget or something that will make my life easier. He spends a lot of time making sure I’m happy which is super romantic. Or it could just be that he prefers life when I’m not grumpy…
Oh also I fall asleep better if I’m spooning him but he goes to bed heaps later than me, so if I’m having trouble sleeping, he’ll come to bed and let me spoon him until I fall asleep, and then he gets up and gets on with his evening.
How ace is that?
2. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for someone else?
I took Mr Smaggle up in a hot air balloon for our 1st anniversary. That was romantic AF.
I bought him a fancy Lego set for Christmas last year, which I think is romantic because I saw him pick the damn thing up about a dozen times in the last few years, but he just couldn’t justify buying if for himself.
I managed to track it down online – he was so stoked. Again, I really think true romance is all about being thoughtful.
Mr Smaggle also functions better when the house is tidy so if he’s having a stressful day, I’ll clean the house, cook dinner and make sure he has a cup of tea when he gets home.
Also I wrote a note to a boy on my bus once, asking him out. He never called me and never spoke to me again. Romance Master: Expert Level.
3. What everyday small things do you find romantic?
I think laughter is romantic. I’ve been with Mr Smaggle for 11 years and he still does cute things to make me laugh every day. It’s funny because lots of people in long-term relationships talk about the ‘shine wearing off’, but it just hasn’t for us.
I think being silly, kind, supportive and joyful is all the romance you need. Just little things like surprising me with some dark chocolate when he makes my tea at night or buying a movie I really want to watch and having it ready to go when I clock off for the night.
I pack him snacks and force him to take afternoon walking breaks. I also scratch his head, which he loves. It really is just about looking out for each other.
4. What do you think is romantic that others might not?
Mr Smaggle and I both like it when the other one hangs out in the bathroom and talks while we shower. Showers are so boring – you need a shower buddy. I also think being lovely to the people I love is romantic.
Beverage management is also a good one. Not only will Mr Smaggle make sure I have my favourite wine when my bestie is coming over, but he’ll also make sure we have HER favourite wine.
I also love it when other people’s partners always make sure I have a drink. It’s just really lovely. Note: Jim is very good at this, but it might just be because he prefers most people when they’re plastered.
Extra note
While I was writing this, I’m sitting at a cafe where an older gentleman just walked up to his partner and planted a big kiss on her lips. So gorgeous. That’s the shit I’m talking about.
Thank you so much, Carly for your profound and candid views on romance. We couldn’t agree more with what you’ve said.
By the way, you’re right about me preferring people when they’re plastered, but I also just enjoy having you as a drinking partner. Your arm is almost as rubber as mine!
Make sure you check out Carly’s sites Smaggle.com and CrochetCoach.com for more of her entertaining wit, sage wisdom and fascinating perspective on… well, everything!
And now it’s your turn: tell us – what does romance mean to you?