What happens in Adelaide… ends up on Instagram!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 1 Title

We’ve spent very little time in Sydney this last week. As Mrs Romance and Carly got ready for their latest Little Blog Big workshop in Adelaide, we decided it’d be only right to spend at least a few days in South Australia in the build-up.

So there’s not been much time for us to snap anything more than this beauty of the Harbour Bridge this week. Thankfully, Adelaide isn’t too hard on the eyes either!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 2 Cali coast

The couple of days we have been in Sydney this last week have been quite disappointing. Rainy, chilly, not much fun – especially when you compare it to our time in California last year.

I took this of Mrs Romance on our way down State Highway 1 on Christmas Eve. That’s right, this is the Californian winter!

If you’re interested in our roadtrips in the States, here’s what we did on our drive from So Cal to Vegas – the long way – and also our amazing drive south from San Fran to LA.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 3 off to Adelaide

And we’re off! We’re flying down south to Adelaide – or Radelade – as the locals call it. This view out the plane window’s not bad, is it? Just a shame this isn’t our photo! I moved our seats up to row 9 when I checked us in online because I like to have as low a number row as possible.

Turns out this row is the only one not to have a window! unbelievable. And because we have a policy of putting up at least one wingshot when we fly, Mrs Romance found this little treasure on Evil Twin PR’s IG feed.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 4 brunch at Lightbulb Cafe

We’ve arrived in Adelaide and can’t wait to get stuck into all the eating!

Our amazing host Sonia of SoniaStyling.com fame has recommended this place for brunch: Lightbulb Cafe in Goodwood. I’m incredibly happy with this place. Their coffee’s great, their service is super friendly and non-judgy, and their food – well, it’s mine now!

Mrs R is busy tucking into a delicious truffle mushroom omelette while my masterpiece awaits.

You’re looking at sourdough toast, sous vide eggs, beetroot cured salmon, creamy fetta and – my own little touch – smokey bacon. Un.Believe.Able.


Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 5 our Tulum guide

All this talk of amazing food and great locations has reminded us of our time spent in Tulum, Mexico. This is one seriously beautiful part of the world and deserves a bit of a talk-up.

Therefore, here’s our essential guide to Tulum Mexico.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 6 lunch at Trouble & Strife

It’s time for lunch again at last. This time we’ve got company. Sonia is with us, and she’s brought a certain furry friend with her.

Amalfi has got to be the cutest little fella ever. He’s even got his own Instagram account – check him out: @amalfi.the.sheltie

Now to the food. This thing of beauty – pretty much the only thing that takes my attention away from Amalfi – is the bacon and egg roll from Trouble and Strife Cafe. I know, that description doesn’t really sell it, does it? Well, it doesn’t matter. It’s bloody delicious!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 7 mixology class at Flying Trunk

Tonight, we’re having a cocktail lesson at The Flying Trunk. Our mixologist teacher, Amy, is incredibly patient and is so good at explaining the drinks we’re making. The class is definitely worth doing. Lots of fun, and you get to drink what you make!

By the way, you can see me learning how to make a Negroni – my favourite cocktail. It’s just what I feel like tonight – especially since we’ve been writing about Campari recently: 7 ways to enjoy Campari.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 8 dinner at Little NNQ

After our cocktail lesson, we’ve headed out into the city for dinner at Little NNQ. Seriously, if you want a high quality low cost modern Vietnamese meal, this is place is insane!

Watch this space for our review!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9 St Paul's Adelaide

It’s almost time for the main reason for us coming to Adelaide – no, eating wasn’t our main priority… though I can see why you’d think that. This morning, Little Blog Big Adelaide happens!

Mrs Romance has somehow managed to snap this shot from the sunroof of Sonia’s car of St Paul’s Cathedral. Makes you feel almost holy, doesn’t it?

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9a LBB1 Amalfi

Meanwhile, back at base, Amalfi is helping us unpack the boxes for the Little Blog Big guests’ goodie bags. I like this little one’s attention to detail – starting at the corners. Very good, mate. Love your work.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9bLBB3 prep time

How about this all-star cast: Hair Romance, Smaggle and Sonia Styling! These amazing ladies are busy packing up the goodie bags for today’s Little Blog Big workshop. Got a feeling it’s going to be awesome!

And of course there’s champagne!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9cLLB2 stage is set

The stage is set. The amazing Leah from Little City is hosting us in her new co-working, workshop and event space in Prospect.

The space is perfect for Little Blog Big.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9dLLB4 Delluva Wine

Not only are our all our Little Blog Big attendees absolutely lovely, so many local businesses have shown their quality with their support for what we’re doing. Dell’uva Wines have brought us these bottles of their delicious wine…

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9eBBL5 Lou Miranda Wine

As has Lou Miranda Estate, another beautiful South Australian winery.

I suppose it wouldn’t be an Adelaide event without lots and lots of wine, would it?!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 9fLLB6 Golden North Icecream!

And for the sweetest finish of all, we’re treated to some excellent grown-up ice cream blocks from Golden North. The three flavours we have are the Barista Bar coffee ice cream, the FruChocs bar (choc coated mango and peach icecream) and the Chocolate Daydream triple choc ice cream bar. So tasty!

We call these choc ices in the UK by the way.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 10 Little Blog Big

By the end of the day, Mrs Romance is exhausted – not that this stops her.

We’re off out for a drink at the Flying Trunk again. I’m excited to meet the inspiring young new distiller who’s built his own still to start Adelaide Hills Distillery. I’m really keen to try his 78 Degrees gin – so watch out for our write-up of this new contender.

After meeting Sacha from Adelaide Hills Distillery, we’re off to The Pot Food and Wine for dinner. The tasting menu is set to leave us feeling so full, there’ll only be room left for wine. Oh well. What a shame!

I’m so proud of Mrs Romance and Carly for all the work they’ve done to make this – yet another Little Blog Big workshop – a raging success. But most of all, it’s been so good to spend some proper quality time with the awesome Sonia and Mr SS. She’s an amazing lady, an incredible, generous host and a remarkable blogger. Check out Sonia’s wrap-up of this Little Blog Big: 7 amazing tips from Little Blog Big.

How was your weekend? Did you drink your own body weight in amazing South Australian wine? (We did!) Tell is in the comments!

Images by Mr and Mrs Romance via Instagram: @MrAndMrsRomance, @HairRomance, @Christina.Butcher – Mrs R’s Insta account and @AngryBastard of course!


  • I’m grinning like an idiot reading this! I seriously had the best 5 days with you guys. It was so lovely to have you come and stay with us – and Amalfi certainly appreciated the company (and the bacon)! The front bedroom is all yours, anytime you feel like you want a little Radelaide getaway. x

    • Reply June 23, 2015

      Mr Romance

      It was SOOO good spending time with you guys, Sonia! Thank you so much for putting us up. Really had the best time. You know, that offer of the front room is really very dangerous from your perspective. You’ll need a Chrissy sized crowbar to get rid of us! Give Amalfi a squeeze (and some bacon) from us!

  • Reply June 23, 2015

    Claire Chadwick: Mum's Closet Blog

    Oh god, where do I start? So much goodness – from the gorgeous bloggers, to the puppy, to the sites, and the FOOD, oh my lawrd the FOOD! What a weekend. Loved seeing it on IG too.
    Always a delight to see what you two get up to, and where you go. LOVE it.

    • Reply June 23, 2015

      Mr Romance

      Thank you so much, Claire! Really glad you enjoy our Insta Diaries. We love making them. Yes, this past week has been particularly food heavy! But that’s Adelaide for you! In fact I think if we’d put up photos of all the food and wine we ate and drank while we were in South Australia, people would think we’ve got a bit of a problem! Thanks again for your lovely words.

  • Reply June 23, 2015


    So much fun! I’ve totally gone down like a sack of shit… so sick. So worth it though!

    • Reply June 26, 2015

      Mr Romance

      Seriously, Carly, we were hanging after this long weekend. Seriously hardcore but so much fun! I was not fun to be around in the office on Monday. Just starting to get the feeling back in my drinking arm now. So worth it!

  • Looking forward to hearing about that gin!

    • Reply June 27, 2015

      Mr Romance

      Looking forward to drinking it too, Beth! 😀

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