Our Instagram Diary: a quiet week – a week for the ANZACs

It’s strange starting the week on a Tuesday, but thanks to Easter, we get to miss out on the usual Monday-itis. 

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 1 Sydney Harbour and title

It’s also the ANZAC Day public holiday this Friday, so this week is going to be very short indeed!

Mrs Romance starts off this little week with a morning run down by the Harbour. It’s a lovely day today. Let’s hope it stays that way.

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So often I leave the office to look for lunch and end up in Little Vienna on Hunter Street. I’m a huge mug for a big sandwich, and I’m always impressed with these – and their coffee’s not too bad either. Happily, they don’t charge extra for a double shot here too.

Today’s doorstep is a chicken and bacon club on crusty ‘Classic Vienna’ bread. It hits the spot but I think I should probably try a few other places at some point!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 2HR1 Mrs R & Ita Buttrose

Mrs R is rubbing shoulders with the red-carpet walkers again today. This time, the shoulders belong to Ita Buttrose, editor and editor-in-chief of some of the biggest magazines in the world like Cleo, and Woman’s Weekly. Mrs R is looking especially pleased here because – out of a room full of people, Ita complimented her hair!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 3 eggplant curry spices

Piles of chilli powder, cumin and coriander seeds, and a touch of turmeric powder is all you need to spice up for one of my favourite curries – the brinjal bhaji aka eggplant curry. When you’ve cooked it long enough, the eggplant goes all gooey and delicious.

The best part of it all is that this dish is vegan (providing you don’t use ghee or butter!) and gluten free.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 4 pizza at The Cottage

My mouth’s watering like mad writing about this pizza today. It’s part of the review of the feast we had recently at The Cottage Bar and Kitchen in Balmain.

The pizzas here are very good – all cooked in the great big wood-fire oven they’ve got by the bar. The whole menu’s pretty impressive, I must say. Check out our review for more info.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 5 Rincible Spoon outside

It’s Thursday and – technically – the end of the week. Mrs R and I take a trip out to Camperdown for a bit of lunch. The Runcible Spoon on Barr Street just off Paramatta Road. It’s a cute little place and the food’s pretty good. The service, however, isn’t. So be prepared for a wait till your delicious food gets to you!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 6 burger in Runcible Spoon

I’ve waited quite happily for my burger, which comes with a little bowl of house-made pickles. It’s a good burger though I like my patties not quite so well-done, and I’d have preferred a bit more sauce on the bun too; but otherwise it’s a good effort.

The juice drinks they do here are good though. Mrs Romance orders me a carrot, pineapple and ginger one, which really hits the spot!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 6HR2 poppies for ANZAC Day

Today is ANZAC Day. On 25th April every year, we remember the brave men and women in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who have died in battle since WWI. Here’s more information on the ANZACs.

ANZAC Day is a day for remembering, but it’s also a day for celebration. We celebrate the freedom we have to live the way we do thanks to the bravery and sacrifice our armed forces have given over the years. There are many ways we do this in Australia – a lot of them include beer and Two Up – here’s what we’ve got to say about it!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 7AB1 beer o' clock

We spent most of yesterday with family and dear friends for an ANZAC Day meal. It’s a bit of a family tradition. We hired a car to get to Mrs Romance’s mum’s place yesterday, so today we have decided to follow a little tradition of our own we’ve made up.

Whenever we hire a car, we go for a beer afterward to celebrate the release from sobriety! So after we dropped the car off on William Street then – walking home – we’ve paid a quick visit to the Darlo Village pub in Darlinghurst. I’ve decided to go for an Estrella – one of the most popular European beers and certainly Spain’s best brew. It’s good, but expensive – especially as it’s served in a sadly small glass.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 8 Aussie beer line-up

This is much more like it! We stopped by Dan Murphy’s for a booze run while we had the hire car. I discovered a beer deal and took full advantage of it. I bought nine Australian-made craft beers available in Dan Murphy bottle shops across the country. Brace yourself for a big Aussie craft beer review in the next couple of weeks. Keep your eye on our Friday Drinks posts for it!

Have a great week, everyone!

Have you ever played Two Up? What’s your favourite pub game? Tell us all about it in the comments!

Images by Mr and Mrs Romance via Instagram: @MrAndMrsRomance, @HairRomance and of course @AngryBastard!


  • Reply April 28, 2014


    Oh how exciting that Mrs Romance met Ita! Match made in heaven!

    • Reply April 28, 2014

      Mrs Romance

      She so awesome Smags! I want to be her when I grow up.

  • My favourite game at the pub? Dominating the jukebox! And also losing at pool (I’m hopeless but I love it).

    • Reply April 29, 2014

      Mr Romance

      Oh you’re the one that keeps the Britney Spears tracks playing in the pub all day! My mate’s like that – he makes sure Oasis is the only thing you hear all night! Shocking. I’m the same as you – I love playing pool. Mrs R and I really get our money’s worth with a game too: it takes us about 45 minutes to pot all the balls! We’ll have to have a game of doubles when we come and visit!

  • […] Over on Mr & Mrs Romance, here’s what I got up to last week. […]

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