Dumplings, horses and birthday parties

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 1 title

Yet another bright but chilly winter’s week has gone by here in Sydney. This week we’ve kept warm by staying busy catching up with friends, cat sitting (as in looking after a friend’s cat not actually sitting on one), making the most of an important international celebration and getting back in touch with nature.

Here’s a run-down of our week on Instagram. Hope you’ve had a good one too. x

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 2 dumplings Sea Bay

This evening we’ve finally got the chance to catch up with our good friends Sam and David from TheAnnoyedThyroid.com. As is only proper, we’ve decided to go for dumplings in our favourite spot in the city – SeaBay on Pitt St. There’s nothing fancy about this little eatery, but the food they serve here is awesome.

Never a disappointment, the dumplings are always delicious, the crispy pork is always must and the eggplant and capsicum dish is so full of flavour and amazing texture.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 2a dog days and cat naps

We’re really enjoying the extra bit of company this week. Our friend’s beautiful little cat Kismet is staying with us. She’s highly entertaining and so adorably cute… but isn’t so good for our productivity. Mrs Romance is having some issues with her typing speed here.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 3a Capri flashback

It’s so cold out today we’ve had to dig deep to get through it. Thankfully our dream trip to Capri is never too far from our minds. This view out over the cliffs into that crystal clear water is just sublime.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 3b Capri flashback 2

As with many good things, one photo of Capri is never enough. This was the path we took down to an amazing little beach to one of the most incredible example of low-key glamour.

A little restaurant up on the rocks looking down on a boat ramp and a private beach. They serve up crab, lobster, fresh fish and an excellent little wine list here. If you dine here, you’re also allowed onto the private beach. Double bonus!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 3c International Beer Day

Today is a most important day. It’s International Beer Day!

This means there’s only one thing to be done: a trip to the Royal Albert in Surry Hills to sample some of the awesome beers they have on tap at the moment. They’ve got a great range of Mountain Goat beer pumping at the minute, so don’t miss out.

I’ve decided that the couple of glasses I’ve had with my ridiculously good Royale with Cheese (gone spicy!) burger weren’t enough, so I’ve got a couple of takeaways. Modus Operandi Brewery have donated a special canning machine to the Royal Albert. It means you can order one of these oversized cans of any beer you see on tap and they seal it up for you to enjoy in your own home! Genius!

The cans are around 950ml and this one’s full of Mountain Goat Before Dawn Black IPA. Very good!

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - horseplay

This morning, Mrs Romance and I are at the Centennial Parklands Equestrian Centre to have a crack at horse riding. It’s part of the launch of the film The Longest Ride we’re working on with 20th Century Fox, and it’s meant we’ve got the opportunity to meet the adorable Molly here.

Molly is part of Sydney Horse, which has some amazing programmes for people of all skill and experience levels. You can even have a go on the mechanical and electronic horses first to get to grips with some of the basics first. But Molly’s a very gentle horse, and Mrs Romance has made a new friend here for sure.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 5 Anzac Bridge sunset

This evening, we’re off to a birthday party. The sunset through the Anzac Bridge is just astonishing, and I just manage to get a shot of it through our Uber driver’s pretty grubby windscreen.

Mr & Mrs Romance - Insta Diary - 6 Steph's party

The birthday party I mentioned is for our friend Steph from LipstickAndCake.com and her mum too. It’s a combined effort which means two things. A double helping of guests at the party and a double helping of cake!

The spread Steph and her family have put on for this do is just amazing. This is Steph’s photo of the cheese table (yes, a whole table just for cheese), which is much better than ours.

So what was your week and weekend like? What have you been up to? Tell us in the comments!

Images by Mr and Mrs Romance via Instagram: @MrAndMrsRomance, @HairRomance, @Christina.Butcher – Mrs R’s Insta account and @AngryBastard of course!


  • Reply August 10, 2015


    We are long over due for a Sea Bay dumpling date. That photo is making me hungry.

    • Reply August 10, 2015

      Mr Romance

      Yes! We should have a starvation session for a couple of days then go in a smash the place, Carly! Since you said the photo’s made you hungry, I’m feeling hungry now. Thanks!

  • I’d love to go back to Capri… but in the meantime, the Gold Coast will have to suffice. SEE YOU THERE! x

    • Reply August 10, 2015

      Mr Romance

      Hoot hoot! Let’s make out we’re in Capri, Sonia. I’ll swan around in my caftan and Speedos and you can rock your oversized visor and gold sandals… actually that’d still work in the GC, ay?! See you in a few days!!

  • There’s no better way to catch up, than to catch up over dumplings! See you on the coast lovebirds! xx

    • Reply August 11, 2015

      Mr Romance

      Can’t wait to ProBlog with you, Sammie! It’s going to be a lot of fun!

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