Australia Day marks the day that the First Fleet arrived on these shores back in 1788. It’s a popular day for awards ceremonies and citizenship presentations. It’s also when people get together and have fun. Here are our top 9 ideas for things to do on 26th January.
One of the best things I love about Australia is the amazing wealth of things you can do here. There are so many way for people to get together and have fun. There’s never an opportunity missed.
With all those party options you can get a bit overwhelmed.
Here are our top tips for making the most of the year’s first public holiday (New Year’s Day doesn’t really count, does it?)
1. Barbecue at home
You can’t get much more Aussie than getting some mates round, firing up the barbie in the garden and throwing some snags at it. The hardest part of it – other than not burning everyone’s sausage sizzle – is what music to play.
If you’ve got an Apple device, check out iTunes Radio. Apple’s playing the top 100 Aussie songs of all time, so you won’t need to even sort out a playlist.
2. Beach time
If you’re near one, do the true blue Aussie thing and hit the sand and surf. Don’t forget the waves can be a bit unpredictable thought – check out our beach safety post here.
3. Stay in for an Aussie movie day
We love vegging out in front of the box and wasting a perfectly good public holiday. Australia Day deserves something a bit more local than your average Hollywood blockbuster though.
Apple’s iTunes has some great Aussie classics on demand like Priscilla, Muriel’s Wedding, Mad Max and Lantana.
4. Have an Australia Day cocktail party
Go all out and throw a proper party! Get out the spirits and mixers and get everyone round for a cocktail party.
If you’re not sure what to do or what to make, check out our cocktail book available here.
You might want to include our Australia Day cocktail from last year: the Aussie Sailor.
5. Check out events in your area
Everywhere in Australia has something going on today. There really are so many things to do on 26th January. Pop in your postcode here in to see what’s happening near you.
6. Picnic in the park
You might know how little I enjoy a picnic but this is one day I can do it. Pack up some food (and booze if you can) and plant yourself in the park.
Sitting around with your friends sharing food and laughs is a great way to see your way through this public holiday.
7. Pub for some Aussie beers
Why not head to your local and join in the fun there? We love our local pub and the Aussie beer it serves there. Our local – The Royal Albert – does local like few others. Check out the beers they pour – all Australian, all awesome!
8. A spot of backyard cricket
There’s nothing like setting up a crease in your back yard or even in the street. It’s what wheelie bins were made for. ?
On the other had, if you’re feeling less energetic or sociable but still want to celebrate in true Aussie style, download some Australian-made apps for free on iTunes. Games like Fruit Ninja, Duet and Framed are all free on 26th for you to download and enjoy.
9. Experience the oldest culture on earth
Indigenous events like Yabun Festival in Victoria Park, Camperdown celebrate the culture of the first Australians and of Torres Strait Islanders.
Check out the programme for more information on vibrant dances, arts, music and speakers of this unique event.
Whatever you decide to do this Australia Day, have fun, enjoy the company of those around you and stay safe.
What are your plans this Australia Day? Do you have a tradition of what you do on the 26th Jan? Tell us in the comments!
Sonia from Sonia Styling
We usually celebrate with a BBQ in the park or at a house with our friends – and with the Triple J Hottest 100 playing in the background. This year, I’m embarrassed to say, I’m not sure what we’re doing! I’ll have to get back to you on that… x
Mr Romance
Looking forward to the update then, Sonia! A good ol’ barbecue’s always a good option, isn’t it? Just the right amount of food to excuse a spot of binge drinking!
Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid
Crackin’ ideas right there! I’m thinking a pyjama and movie day or a barby with friends, or even better still, both! This year we’re totally flying by the seat of our pants and being very spontaneous!
Mr Romance
Cheers, Sammie! Funnily enough, we were talking about having a quiet Australia Day this year, but as always we’ve found our long weekend chock-a-block. Hope your Aussie Day turns into the best yet!
The Style Loop | Hair Romance
[…] If you’re in Australia, I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend. Here’s 9 fun things to do on Australia Day. […]
Lyn - A Hole in my Shoe
Great read. In Perth the big thing to do on Australia Day is Skyworks, a huge, free fireworks that is the biggest Australia Day fireworks in Australia. They have lots of entertainment to keep the public occupied until the fireworks start and now many other smaller local fireworks are held in 4 or 5 other suburbs.
Mr Romance
I’m always so impressed with how much effort Australia puts into fireworks displays. I’m originally from the UK and – maybe because fireworks are legal to buy in shops there – the shows aren’t quite as impressive. We love Perth and WA. Maybe next Australia Day we’ll try for the west coast!