It feels like ages since Mrs Romance and I have been northside. We worked it out that it has in fact been about 4 and a half years since we were both here in Europe together.
This marks the start of an epic trip across the continent we’ve been looking forward to for ages.
And not just because we love travelling through Europe, but also because we’ve got plenty of time to spend with friends and family we’ve missed so much ever since we moved back to Australia.
For the next 8 or so IG Editions, we’ll be chronicling our time here in England and the Continent.
We hope you enjoy our latest IG Edition
Jim & Christina xx
It’s our last night in Sydney and we’re all packed. It’s time to relax, take stock and get ready for the long flight ahead.
The water of the harbour is so still it’s hard to know which is the reflection and which is the sky. Let’s hope the journey’s just as smooth.
Not a bad way to get to the airport – our trip begins with a little cruise on Sydney Harbour!
The ferry takes us to Circular Quay where we hop on a train to the airport. It’s probably the quickest and possibly the most cost effective way to get to the airport.
Mrs Romance keeps checking she’s got everything she needs. I keep reassuring her that she hasn’t. I’m not sure it’s that much of a confidence boost, but to expect to have everything you need for a 2-month trip away is just setting yourself up for failure.
She’s got her hat she bought in Havana, she’s got her new suitcase that she seems very happy with and she’s taking her new luggage tag out for a spin too (thank you Mon Purse), so she’s got enough to distract her until we check in at least!
And we’re off! With the slightest of hitches with my hand luggage being too heavy (I had to repack into my suitcase, which I thought was over-weight), we’re on board our first flight set for Singapore.
It’s been ages since we were last in Changi Airport and we’re excited to see how things have changed over the years.
As we fly somewhere over the equator, the sun sets over the most beautiful sky. It’s one of the main reasons why I prefer the window seat to the aisle.
And we’re in England. Just like that. It’s an early arrival but my mum and dad are here to collect us. It’s amazing to see them – lovely people.
Best of all, they treat us to a classic English breakfast at the Jubilee.
There are many thoughts on what a full English breakfast is. We’ve gone through a few of those details here. See what you think.
It’s strange how, when you’ve been on a long-haul flight, that first day seems to stretch into eternity. You discover looking back on that first day that you actually squeezed in an unfathomable amount of things.
We’re off on a walk in the Suffolk countryside with our friend Clare (next to me) and my mum and dad – Mrs Romance is taking the photo. As you can see, the weather in England is absolutely spectacular.
This is one of my dad’s favourite fishing lakes. Everything’s so incredibly green here. And the lake is so clean you can see the fish on the surface as they come up for food.
I’d love to tell you where this is, but Dad would kill me then track you down too. I’m sworn to secrecy!
We’re in the beautiful little town of Sudbury trying to sort out our phones. Sudbury, Suffolk is the birthplace of eminent painter William Gainsborough and his statue looms over the town centre just in front of the town’s main church.
Sudbury is such a beautiful little town – well worth visiting. Just don’t look here for phone assistance!
We’ve made the trip out to Colchester, Essex today. Colchester is Britain’s oldest recorded town – even older than London – and has plenty going for it in the history stakes.
This is Colchester Castle – built by the Normans (not the Romans, which people often get confused with). The tour you can do here is awesome.
As for phones, Colchester really has helped. We’re looking for pre-paid sims that’ll work in the UK and Europe and that have loads of data so we’re not hunting for wifi all the time.
3 has worked out to be pretty good – a £20 for a 30-day card that gives you – among lots of calls and texts – 12gb of data. Perfect.
Mrs Romance’s new friend is Ruby, our friends’ Clare and Dave’s Irish Terrier. She’s an absolute sweetheart. Not pictured (yet) is Flo, their Spaniel, who is also lovely!
I hope Clare and Dave check Mrs R’s luggage when she leaves. There might be a dog hidden in there!
Today we’re walking the two dogs around the Essex countryside. I’d forgotten how beautiful it is around here. This is a field in Highwoods near Colchester. The buttercups in this meadow are just stunning.
The meadow above leads through to this woodland. Being back in England really reminds me of all the things I missed when I first moved to Australia.
The funny thing is whenever people ask me if there’s anything I miss from England, I always struggle to think of anything more than family and friends.
Walks in the countryside like this are now definitely on the list.
Is there anything you miss from your childhood? Tell us in the comments below!